Book Now Please complete the online form below to arrange your entertainment. Your Details First name * Last name Email * Mobile number * 2nd Mobile number Function Details Date of Booking * Time/s required * No of guests * *1 (Private Dancer) 2 - 10 (Small Group) 11 - 25 (Medium Group) 25 - 50 (Large Group) 51+ (Huge Groups) A private dancer is required when you are the only guest of honour. Private Dancer Surcharge * Private Dancer Surcharge - $200 Reason for function * Hens Party Stag Party Boys Night Birthday Party Mixed Crowd Work Function Fundraiser Pub Show Party Bus Boat Cruise Farewell Surprise Bar Promo Photoshoot Motorcycle Club Other Age Group/s * 18 - 20 Years 21 - 25 Years 26 - 35 Years 36 - 55 Years 55+ Years If other, please write How did you find out about us * Google Google Adwords Existing Customer Word of mouth Facebook Radio Advertisement Yellow Online Finda Other search engine Television Commercial Facebook Twitter Hire Things Finda NZ Stag The Stag Co The Hen Co Mobile App What did you type to find us? Function Address Start typing your address Helpful Directions Type of Booking Please type out your product / services and any other details we need to know Please select which booking, travel and talent option/s you would like. Product / Services * 1hr - 1 Butt Plug Waitress1hr - 1 Foxtail Hostess1hr Full Nude Strip with Bodyslide1hr Full Nude Strip1hr Quick Strip1hr - 2 G-String Waiters with Aprons1hr – 2 Topless Waitresses1hr - 1 G-String Waiter with Apron1hr - 1 GString Waiter1hr - 3 Apron G-String Waiters1hr - 2 Butt Plug Waitresses1hr - 2 Apron G-String Waiters1hr – 3 G-String Waiters1hr – 4 Topless Waitresses1hr Bondage Strip1hr - 3 Nude Waiters1hr - 1 Apron GString Waiter1hr - 3 Apron GString Waiters1hr - 1 Hot Pants Waiter1hr - 2 G-String Waiters1hr - 3 Butt Plug Waitresses1hr - 2 Body Painted Hostesses1hr - 3 Apron Only Waiters1hr - 2 Nude Hostesses1hr - 2 GString Waiters1hr - 1 Skimpy Hostess1hr – 3 Topless Waitresses1hr - 3 G-String Waiters with Aprons1 Hour Duo Show1hr Male Lap Dance Strip1hr - 3 Bikini Girls1hr - 2 Hot Pants Waiters1hr - 2 Bikini Girls1hr Toy Show with Bodyslide1hr - 1 Nude Waiter1hr - 2 Nude Waiters1hr - 3 Lingerie Hostesses1hr - 3 Nude Waiters with Aprons1hr - 3 Body Painted Hostesses1hr Full Monty Strip1hr - 3 Hot Pants Waiters1hr Male Quick Strip1hr Candle Fire Show1hr - 2 Nude Waiters with Aprons1hr Double Penetration Show1hr The Works1hr Full On Fruit and Veg Show1hr Stag Toy Show1hr Pearl Show with Bodyslide1hr - 1 Nude Waiter with Apron1hr Candle Show with Bodyslide1hr Toy Show1hr - 1 G-String Waiter1hr Pearl Show1hr Bondage Strip with Bodyslide1hr - 2 Apron GString Waiters1hr - 2 Lingerie Hostesses1hr – 1 Topless Waitress1hr XXX Fisting Show1hr - 1 Nude Hostess1hr - 2 Apron Only Waiters1hr Fruit and Vege Show1hr The Works Deluxe1hr - 1 Apron G-String Waiter1hr - 3 Foxtail Hostesses1hr Open Leg Masterbation Show1hr Mega Toy Show1hr - 3 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiters1hr Dominatrix Show1hr - 1 Bikini Girl1hr - 2 Skimpy Hostesses1hr - 1 Lingerie Hostess1hr - 2 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiters1hr - 1 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiter1hr - 3 Nude Hostesses1hr XXX Squirting Show1hr - 1 Body Painted Hostess1hr - 2 Foxtail Hostesses1hr Lollipop Cream Show1hr Lollipop Cream Toy Show1hr - 3 Skimpy Hostesses1hr Full Service1hr - 1 Apron Only Waiter1.5hrs Full Service2hrs - 2 Lingerie Hostesses2hrs - 1 Bikini Girl2hrs - 1 Nude Waiter with Apron2hrs - 2 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiters2hrs - 3 Nude Waiters with Aprons2hrs - 1 Lingerie Hostess2hrs - 3 Hot Pants Waiters2hrs - 1 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiter2hrs – 2 Topless Waitresses2hrs - 1 G-String Waiter2hrs - 3 Body Painted Hostesses2hrs - 3 Bikini Girls2hrs - 2 Bikini Girls2hrs Full Service2hrs - 3 Apron G-String Waiters2hrs - 2 Nude Waiters2 Girl Double Ender Double Penetration Show2hrs - 1 Nude Waiter2hrs - 2 Hot Pants Waiters2hrs - 3 Skimpy Hostesses2hrs - 2 Nude Waiters with Aprons2hrs - 3 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiters2hrs - 3 G-String Waiters with Aprons2hrs - 3 Lingerie Hostesses2hrs - 3 Foxtail Hostesses2hrs - 3 Nude Waiters2hrs – 1 Topless Waitress2hrs - 2 Apron G-String Waiters2hrs - 2 Butt Plug Waitresses2hrs - 2 Nude Hostesses2hrs - 2 Body Painted Hostesses2hrs - 1 Apron Only Waiter2hrs - 3 Apron Only Waiters2hrs - 1 Apron G-String Waiter2hrs - 1 Hot Pants Waiter2hrs - 1 Nude Hostess2hrs - 1 Apron GString Waiter2hrs - 2 Apron Only Waiters2hrs – 4 Topless Waitresses2hrs – 3 G-String Waiters2hrs - 1 Foxtail Hostess2hrs – 3 Topless Waitresses2hrs - 1 Body Painted Hostess2hrs - 3 Butt Plug Waitresses2hrs - 2 Gstring Waiters2hrs - 3 Apron GString Waiters2hrs - 1 Skimpy Hostess2hrs - 1 Butt Plug Waitress2hrs - 3 Nude Hostesses2hrs - 2 G-String Waiters with Aprons2hrs - 2 Skimpy Hostesses2hrs - 1 G-String Waiter with Apron2 Girl Double Ender2hrs – 2 G-String Waiters2hrs - 2 Apron GString Waiters2hrs - 3 GString Waiters2hrs - 3 Apron & G-String Waiter2hrs - 2 Foxtail Hostesses3hrs - 2 Lingerie Hostesses3hrs - 2 Nude Hostesses3hrs - 1 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiter3hrs - 3 Nude Waiters3hrs - 3 Nude Hostesses3hrs - 2 Apron G-String Waiters3hrs - 3 Body Painted Hostesses3hrs - 3 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiters3hrs - Foxtail Hostess3hrs - 3 Lingerie Hostesses3hrs - 2 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiters3hrs - 2 Nude Waiters3hrs - 3 Apron G-String Waiters3hrs – 2 Topless Waitresses3hrs - 1 Apron G-String Waiter3hrs – 3 Topless Waitresses3hrs – 4 Topless Waitresses3hrs - 3 Skimpy Hostesses3hrs - 1 Hot Pants Waiter3hrs - 1 Nude Hostess3hrs - 2 Butt Plug Waitresses3hrs - 3 Apron GString Waiters3hrs - 1 Apron Only Waiter3hrs - 3 Butt Plug Waitresses3hrs - 1 Body Painted Hostess3hrs - 1 Apron GString Waiter3hrs - 1 Skimpy Hostess3hrs - 2 Foxtail Hostesses3hrs – 1 Topless Waitress3hrs - 1 Foxtail Hostess3hrs - 2 Apron GString Waiters3hrs - 2 Skimpy Hostesses3hrs - 1 Lingerie Hostess3hrs - 1 Bikini Girl3hrs - 2 Apron Only Waiters3 hrs - Promotion Models3hrs - 2 Gstring Waiters3hrs - 3 Foxtail Hostesses3hrs – 3 G-String Waiters3hrs - 3 Apron Only Waiters3hrs - 2 Body Painted Hostesses3hrs - 3 Hot Pants Waiters3hrs - 3 Bikini Girls3hrs - 1 Nude Waiter3hrs - 2 Bikini Girls3hrs - 2 Hot Pants Waiters3hrs - 3 Nude Waiters with Aprons3hrs - 1 Butt Plug Waitress3hrs - 2 Nude Waiters with Aprons3hrs - 1 Nude Waiter with Apron3hrs - 2 G-String Waiters with Aprons3hrs - 3 G-String Waiters with Aprons3hrs - 1 G-String Waiter3hrs - 1 G-String Waiter with Apron3hrs – 2 G-String Waiters4hrs - 2 Body Painted Hostesses4hrs - 1 Hot Pants Waiter4hrs - 2 Skimpy Hostesses4hrs – 3 G-String Waiters4hrs - 2 Hot Pants Waiters4hrs - 1 G-String Waiter4hrs - 2 Apron G-String Waiters4hrs - 1 Body Painted Hostess4hrs - 3 Hot Pants Waiters4hrs - 1 Apron G-String Waiter4hrs - 3 Body Painted Hostesses4hrs - 3 Apron G-String Waiters4hrs – 2 G-String Waiters4hrs - 1 Skimpy Hostess4hrs - 3 Nude Waiters4hrs - 3 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiters4hrs - 2 Butt Plug Waitresses4hrs - 1 Nude Waiter with Apron4hrs - 2 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiters4hrs - 2 G-String Waiters with Aprons4hrs - 1 G-String Waiter with Apron4hrs - 1 Butt Plug Waitress4hrs - 1 GString Waiter4hrs - 2 GString waiters4hrs - 3 GString Waiters4hrs - 3 Butt Plug Waitresses4hrs - 3 Nude Waiters with Aprons4hrs - 2 Apron Only Waiters4hrs - 3 Apron GString Waiters4hrs - 1 Foxtail Hostess4hrs - 3 Apron Only Waiters4hrs - 2 Foxtail Hostesses4hrs - 2 Apron GString Waiters4hrs - 1 Apron Only Waiter4hrs - 1 Apron Gstring Waiter4hrs - 3 Foxtail Hostesses4hrs - 3 Skimpy Hostesses4hrs - 3 G-String Waiters with Aprons4hrs - 2 Nude Waiters with Aprons4hrs - 2 Lingerie Hostesses4hrs - 1 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiter4hrs - 2 Nude Hostesses4hrs - 3 Nude Hostesses4hrs - 1 Nude Hostess4hrs – 4 Topless Waitresses4hrs – 2 Topless Waitresses4hrs - 2 Nude Waiters4hrs – 1 Topless Waitress4hrs - 3 Lingerie Hostesses4hrs – 3 Topless Waitresses4hrs - 3 Bikini Girls4hrs - 1 Lingerie Hostess4hrs - 1 Bikini Girl4hrs - 1 Nude Waiter4hrs - 2 Bikini Girls5hrs - 3 G-String Waiters with Aprons5hrs – 2 Apron Only Waiters5hrs - 1 Nude Waiter with Apron5hrs - 2 GString Waiters5hrs - 3 Body Painted Hostesses5hrs - 3 Nude Waiters5hrs - 3 Apron Only Waiters5hrs - 2 Apron GString Waiters5hrs - 1 Nude Waiter5hrs - 2 Body Painted Hostesses5hrs - 3 GString Waiters5hrs - 2 Nude Waiters5hrs - 2 G-String Waiters with Aprons5hrs - 1 Body Painted Hostess5hrs - 1 Apron Only Waiter5hrs - 1 Apron GString Waiter5hrs - 2 Nude Waiters with Aprons5hrs - 1 GString Waiter5hrs - 3 Apron GString Waiters5hrs - 1 G-String Waiter with Apron5hrs - 3 Nude Waiters with Aprons5hrs - 3 Foxtail Hostesses5hrs - 3 Skimpy Hostesses5hrs - 2 Lingerie Hostesses5hrs - 3 Nude Hostesses5hrs - 1 Nude Hostess5hrs - 2 Nude Hostesses5hrs – 4 Topless Waitresses5hrs – 3 Topless Waitresses5hrs – 2 Topless Waitresses5hrs - 3 Lingerie Hostesses5hrs - 1 Foxtail Hostess5hrs - 3 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiters5hrs - 1 Lingerie Hostess5hrs - 3 Bikini Girls5hrs - 2 Bikini Girls5hrs - 1 Bikini Girl5hrs - 2 Skimpy Hostesses5hrs - 3 Butt Plug Waitresses5hrs - 2 Butt Plug Waitresses5hrs - 1 Butt Plug Waitress5hrs - 1 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiter5hrs – 1 Topless Waitress5hrs - 1 G-String Waiter5hrs - 2 Foxtail Hostesses5hrs - 2 Hot Pants Waiters5hrs - 3 Hot Pants Waiters5hrs – 2 G-String Waiters5hrs – 3 G-String Waiters5hrs - 3 Apron G-String Waiters5hrs - 2 Apron G-String Waiters5hrs - 1 Apron G-String Waiter5hrs - 1 Skimpy Hostess5hrs - 1 Hot Pants Waiter5hrs - 2 Bowtie with Cuffs Waiters15 Mins Full Service24hr Fishing Package30 Min Toy Show30 Min Male Lap Dance Strip30 Min Full Monty Strip30 Min The Works30 Min Full On Fruit and Veg Show30 Mins Full Service30 Min Stag Toy Show30 Min Toy Show with Bodyslide30 mins mix n mingle30 Min Pearl Show30 Min Pearl Show with Bodyslide30 Min Quick Strip30 Min Full Nude Strip30 Min Full Nude Strip with Bodyslide30 Min Candle Fire Show30 Min Candle/Fire Show30 Min Bondage Strip with Bodyslide30 Min Candle Show with Bodyslide30 Min Bondage Strip30 Min Male Quick Strip30 Min Lollipop Cream Show30 Min The Works Deluxe30 Min Dominatrix Show30 Min Mega Toy Show30 Min XXX Fisting Show30 Min Open Leg Masterbation Show30 Min Fruit and Vege Show30 Min Lollipop Cream Toy Show30 Min XXX Squirting Show30 Min Double Penetration ShowAdd a Fox TailAdventure Lodge StagAnal BeadsApron G-String Cooking Brunch PricesApron G-String Waiter PricesApron Only Nude Waiter PricesAuckland Archery TagAuckland Bubble SoccerAuckland Clay Bird ShootingAuckland Cooking ClassAuckland Deluxe Hens Do Party BusAuckland Deluxe Stag Do BYO Boat CruiseAuckland Deluxe Stag Do Party BusAuckland Demo DerbyAuckland Fishing CharterAuckland Go KartingAuckland Golf Day PackageAuckland Golf SimulatorAuckland Hens Do Boat CruiseAuckland Hens Do Cooking ChallengeAuckland Hens Do Dance Class & DrinksAuckland Hens Do Deluxe Boat CruiseAuckland Hens Do GlampingAuckland Hens Do Party BusAuckland Hens Do Twerk PartyAuckland Horse Trekking Hens DoAuckland JetboatingAuckland Lawn BowlsAuckland Life Drawing ComboAuckland Life Drawing NudeAuckland Life Drawing SemiAuckland Novelty Stag ComboAuckland PaintballAuckland Poker NightAuckland Stag Do Boat CruiseAuckland Stag Do BYO Boat CruiseAuckland Stag Do Deluxe Boat CruiseAuckland Stag Do Party BusAuckland Stag Horse RacesAuckland Wine Tasting Hens DoBar AfricaBDSM HeavyBDSM LightBDSM Male StripBDSM Sensual MassageBi DoubleBi Stripper PricesBikini Car WashBikini Car Wash PricesBikini Competitions PricesBlow JobBluestone RoomBody ShotsBodyslideBodyslide DuoBodyslide Duo with Fire ShowBondage StripBondage Strip with BodyslideBowling & Hole n One StagBronze PackageBurlesque Class (1 hr)Butt PlugBYO Boat CruiseCandle Fire ShowCandle Show with BodyslideCar Wash PricesChristchurch Clay Bird Stag ComboChristchurch Deluxe Hens Do Party BusChristchurch Deluxe Stag Do Party BusChristchurch Hens Party BusChristchurch Karting Stag ComboChristchurch Stag Do Party BusClassic Auckland Stag DoClassic Taupo Stag DoClay Bird Stag ComboClay Shooting Stag DoCOBCock PiercingCock RingCock WorshipCooking Brunch PricesCorporate RevueCouplesCraft Beer & Brewery TourCuddlingCustomer Oils Up Dancer (Nude)Customer Oils Up Dancer (Topless)Deep ThroatDegreeDeluxe Duo with ToysDeluxe Stag ComboDiggersDominatrix ShowDoolan BrothersDouble Penetration ShowDrag O GramDrift Kart ComboEjaculation ShowEpic Auckland Stag DoEpic Taupo Stag DoErotic Male Modelling PricesEscortExtra RecipientExtra SongExtras PricesExtreme PaintballFace FuckingFat a GramFetish Sensual MassageFetishesFinn MacCuhalsFloggingFox TailFruit and Vegetable ShowFull Monty StripFull Nude StripFull Nude Strip with BodyslideG-String Cooking Brunch PricesG-String Waiter Apron PricesG-String Waiter PricesGFEGFE Sensual MassageGirl Friend Experience Escort PricesGirl Friend Experience R Rated PricesGirl Friend Experience X Rated PricesGirlfriend ExperienceGold PackageGolf Day Stag DoGranny Gram MildGranny Gram WildGreekHair PullingHamilton Deluxe Hen Boat CruiseHamilton Deluxe Hen Party BusHamilton Deluxe Stag Boat CruiseHamilton Deluxe Stag Party BusHamilton Hen Boat CruiseHamilton Hen Party BusHamilton Hens Do Margarita ClassHamilton Hens Do Pole Dance/Burlesque LessonHamilton High TeaHamilton Life Drawing ComboHamilton Life Drawing NudeHamilton Life Drawing SemiHamilton Pole Dance Burlesque LessonHamilton Stag Boat CruiseHamilton Stag Party BusHamilton Winery TourHand CuffsHand ReliefHens ComboHens Do Winery Tour to MartinboroughHigh Ropes Stag DoHole in 1 ChallengeHouse Keeping MaidHouse Keeping Maid Nude PricesHouse Keeping Maid Outfit G-String PricesHouse Keeping Maid Outfit Nude PricesHouse on HoodIndoor Batting CagesIndoor Stag Go-KartJelly Wrestling 2 GirlsJelly Wrestling 4 GirlsJelly Wrestling PricesJellywrestlingKALLOS - DeijaKALLOS - LilliKALLOS - MercedesKALLOS - RubyKALLOS 2 - DeijaKALLOS 2 - RubyKissingKiwi Corporate PackageKiwi Novelty ComboKiwi Raunchy Revue ShowKiwi Revue ShowLapdancing LessonLava BarLearn to BrewLesbian Double Penetration ShowLesbian Fisting and Squirting ShowLesbian Strap On ShowLesbian Sub ShowLesbiansLife Drawing ComboLife Drawing Nude (20)Life Drawing Nude (25)Life Drawing Nude (30)Life Drawing Semi (20)Life Drawing Semi (25)Life Drawing Semi (30)Lingerie Cooking BrunchLollipop Cream ShowLollipop Cream Toy ShowMale Butt PlugMale Guest of HonourMale Guest Of HonourMale Lap Dance StripMale Modelling PricesMale Quick StripMale Sex ToysMale Stripper ComboMasterbation ShowMat/CarpetMC / HostMega Toy ShowMidgetgram PricesMixed Male Female Show PricesMixed ShowsModels and TalentMulligansMulti ShotsMutual MasterbationNaughty Sensual MassageNipple ClampsNoveltygramNude Car WashNude Car Wash PricesNude Cooking BrunchNude Cooking Brunch PricesNude House KeepingNude Male Modelling PricesNude Waiter PricesNude Waiter with Apron PricesNude Web Cam Show PricesNude with Toys Web Cam Show PricesOff-Road Kart Stag PackageOil BodyslideOpen Leg Masterbation ShowOralPA SystemPA, MC, LightsPaintball Stag ComboParty Rescue 911 Fire Truck 2hrParty Rescue 911 Fire Truck 3 hrParty Rescue 911 Fire Truck 5 hr Brews & Cruise TourPearl NecklacePearl ShowPearl Show with BodyslidePhotoshoot - Hustler Model PricesPhotoshoot - Lingerie Model PricesPhotoshoot - Penthouse Model PricesPhotoshoot - Playboy Model PricesPhotoshoot Female Model PricesPhotoshoot PricesPlatinum DuoPlatinum Duo with ToysPlatinum ShowPole Dancing Class (1hr)Pole PartyPrivate Blow JobsPrivate Bondage StripPrivate Bondage Strip with BodyslidePrivate Candle Fire ShowPrivate Candle Show with BodyslidePrivate Dominatrix ShowPrivate Double Penetration ShowPrivate Fruit and Vege ShowPrivate Full Monty StripPrivate Full Nude StripPrivate Full Nude Strip with BodyslidePrivate Hand JobsPrivate Lap DancesPrivate Lollipop Cream ShowPrivate Lollipop Cream Toy ShowPrivate Male Lap Dance StripPrivate Male Quick StripPrivate Mega Toy ShowPrivate Mutual MasterbationPrivate Open Leg Masterbation ShowPrivate Pearl ShowPrivate Pearl Show with BodyslidePrivate Quick StripPrivate Stag Toy ShowPrivate The WorksPrivate The Works DeluxePrivate Toy ShowPrivate Toy Show with BodyslidePrivate XXX Fisting ShowPrivate XXX Squirting ShowProstate MassageProwler 5 hr Brews and Cruise Tour 12-5pm or 1- 6pmProwler Party Bus 2 hrProwler Party Bus 3 hrPSE Sensual MassagePussygram G String PricesPussygram Legs Spread PricesPussygram Legs Spread with Toy PricesPussygram Nude PricesQueenstown Deluxe Hen Boat CruiseQueenstown Deluxe Stag Boat CruiseQueenstown Hen Boat CruiseQueenstown Stag Boat CruiseQuick StripRafting Adventure TaupoRafting Hen Adventure TaupoRafting Stag ComboRimmingRimming On YouRing Card Models PricesRoll The Dice GameRotorua Clay Bird ShootingRotorua High TeaRotorua Horse Trek ComboRotorua Life Drawing ComboRotorua Life Drawing NudeRotorua Life Drawing SemiRotorua Rafting ComboRotorua Zorb Stag ComboRoyale Brews and Cruise Tour 12-5pm or 1-6pmRoyale Party Bus 3hr HamiltonRoyale Party Bus 3hr TaurangaSeductive Sensual MassageSelling Job PhotosSelling Job Photos FaceSelling Job VideosSelling Job Videos FaceSelling PaddlesSelling Sex ToysSelling UnderwearSensual MassageShower TogetherSilver PackageSpankingSpanking On YouSquirtingStaff PackageStag Boat Cruise 4hrsStag ComboStag Do SOS ChallengeStag Toy ShowStand up ComedyStandard Sensual MassageStereo / SpeakerStraight DoubleStrap OnStripogram ShowStripper RevueTaupo 3hr BYO Boat CruiseTaupo 3hr Deluxe Stag Boat CruiseTaupo 3hr Stag Boat CruiseTaupo Bungy & Skydiving ComboTaupo BYOTaupo BYO Boat CruiseTaupo BYO Deluxe Hens Do CruiseTaupo BYO Hens Do CruiseTaupo Deluxe 3hr BYO Boat CruiseTaupo Deluxe BYO Boat CruiseTaupo Deluxe Hens Do Boat CruiseTaupo Deluxe Stag Boat CruiseTaupo Hen Party High TeaTaupo Hens Do Boat CruiseTaupo Hens Hole in 1 ChallengeTaupo Paintball Stag DoTaupo Stag Boat CruiseTaupo Stag Hole in 1 ChallengeTauranga Blo & Drift KartsTauranga Bumper BallTauranga Clay ShootingTauranga Deluxe Hen Boat CruiseTauranga Deluxe Hen Party BusTauranga Deluxe Stag Boat CruiseTauranga Deluxe Stag Party BusTauranga Golf DayTauranga Hen Boat CruiseTauranga Hen Party BusTauranga Hens Do Margarita ClassTauranga Hens Do Pole Dance/Burlesque LessonTauranga Hens Do Wine TourTauranga Lawn BowlsTauranga Life Drawing ComboTauranga Life Drawing NudeTauranga Life Drawing SemiTauranga PaintballTauranga Party BoatTauranga Stag Boat CruiseTauranga Stag Do Party BusTejano TaupoThe Brew BarThe FoxThe Outback InnThe Tribe Male RevueThe WinchesterThe WorksThe Works DeluxeThemed CostumeThemed CostumesThreesomesTied UpTigeress 5 hr Cruise and Brews TourTigeress Party Bus Package 2 hrsTigeress Party Bus Package 3 hrsTip VibratorTittygram Bra PricesTittyGram ConservativeTittyGram GreenTittyGram LiberalTittygram Topless with Face PricesTittyGram Video ClipTittygram Video PricesTop Bus 5 hr Brews and Cruise Tour 12-5 or 1-6pmTopless Car WashTopless Car Wash PricesTopless Cooking BrunchTopless House KeepingTopless Web Cam Show PricesToy ShowToy Show with BodyslideToysToys On MeToys On YouTwo GirlsUltimate Waikato Stag DoV8 Simulator & Super CarVideo - Mercedes - After DarkWaiheke Stag Do PackageWellington Brewery TourWellington Bubble SoccerWellington Burlesque Class Hens DoWellington Deluxe Hen Boat CruiseWellington Deluxe Stag Boat CruiseWellington Go KartingWellington Golf DayWellington Hen Boat CruiseWellington Hen Hummer LimoWellington Hens Deluxe Party BusWellington Hens Do Cooking ChallengeWellington Hens Do Margarita ClassWellington Hens Do Pole Dancing ClassWellington Hens Party BusWellington Lawn BowlsWellington PaintballWellington Poker NightWellington Stag Boat CruiseWellington Stag Do Deluxe Party BusWellington Stag Do Party BusWhipsWorlds EndX-Rated Girlfriend ExperienceXXX Fisting ShowXXX Squirting Show Additional Options Extra Requests Mat/Carpet - $5 Stereo - $25 Hula Hoop (Lacey) - $50 Extra Song - $60 Extra Recipient - $60 30min Mix & Mingle - $75 MC/Host - $150 PA System - $350 PA, MC,Lights - $550 City Parking City Parking x 1 Talent - $10 City Parking x 2 Talent - $20 City Parking x 3 Talent - $30 City Parking x 4 Talent - $40 City Parking x 5 Talent - $50 *Please note: City Parking is compulsary when your talent needs parking in a city. Last Minute Booking Surcharge Last Minute Booking Surcharge - $20.00*Bookings on the same date are allocated this surcharge. North/South Island Surcharge * North/South Island Surcharge All jobs within Wellington and Christchurch, New Zealand have a surcharge allocated to them. Talent DetailsWhilst all effort is made to send the dancer of your choice, due to unforeseen arising circumstance we reserve the right to replace your dancer where required to ensure your booking is filled.Please select 3 options for your Strippers/Talent. Female Strippers AgustinaAJ SteelAleshiaAlexAlexAlexaAlexaAlexaAlexaAlexandriaAlexandriaAlexandria SkysAlexisAliceAlladinAlladinAllyAlly ProcrasturbateAmberAmberAmberAmber HAmber HAngelAngelAngelAngeliqueAngel RyderAnitaAnitaAnnaAnnieAnnieAprilAriaAriaArielArmaniAshAshAshleighAshleighAshtonAsh WAstroAthenaAuroraAvaAvaAva RayBaileyBambiBayleyBellaBellaBellaBelleBelle JadeBenBeverley HillsBexBexxyBiancaBianca BrooklynBig BennyBlair BlazeBlakeBlazeBlaze AkiraBombay BabiBoozBraeBrandyBrodieBrookeBrooklynBubblesCaitlynCaliCallie-AnneCamsCandiceCandiceCandyCarmenCarmenCarmenCarterCasCaseyCassieCatCatCeejayCeleneChanceChanelCharlesCharlieCharlieCharlieCharlieCharlotteCharlotteCharlotteChaseChase (Wild Child)ChelseaChelseaChelseyChelseyCherryCherryCherryCherryCherryCherryChicagoChloeChloe TChrisCiaoCiteeCJClaraClydeClydeCocoCourtneyCourtneyCourtney LisaCrystalCrystalCrystalCrystal GoldDahliaDahliaDahliaDaisyDaisyDallasDanielleDanoDanoDarcyDarcyJDashaDashaDebbyDeijaDemeterDemiDemi LaneDieselDionDominiqueDozerDr TreyDylan DashDylan DelacquaEastwoodEdenElektraElleElleElleEllieEllieEllie KatEmberEmeraldEmiliaErynErynEscort 1Escort 2Escort 3Escort 6EthanFawnFifiFlame AngelFletcherFleurForteFoxxyFoxyFrancescaFreyaG.AG.AGeorgiaGiaGizelleGraceGraceGracieGracieGracieGrannyGypsyHannahHansHarleyHarleyHarley BlackHarlowHarryHavanaHazaelHazeyHeatherHeavenHeavenHeavenHeidiHeidiHollyHollyHollyHoly SpiritHoneyHooker TestHymneIndiIndiIndicaIndyIsabelIsabel KnoxxIsabellaIsabellaIvyIvyIvyIvyIvy MoonIzzyJJacintaJadeJadeJadeJadeJade JeanJakobiJamesJanetJanineJasminJasminJasmineJasmineJasmine JaxJayJayJayJaydeJay WJazJazmineJazz AddisonJemmaJenniferJesseJessicaJessicaJessicaJimmyJoeJoeJohanJohnnyJonoJosieKandyKaramelKarnKatKateKatieKatieKatrinaKatyKaydaKaykayKeiraKellyKellyKelly AKelseyKendallKendall AKendal LeeKendraKenzieKeshianKimKimberleyKiraKirstyKita MeanKitty KKourtneyKristianKseniyaKyavarnieKymaniLaceyLaceyLacey LuxeLanceLaraLarahLarissaLauraLaura LushhLaurenLaylaLeeLeeLeonLeonLeoniLeroyLeviLexaLexiLexiLeylaLiamLibertyLilliLillyLisaLolaLolaLolaLolaLolly DollyLovely Lexie LustLucasLuciaLuciaLucilleLucyLucy ALucy DanielsLucy DiamondLucy TestLuluLuluLunaLyricMaddelyn HaizeMaddiMaddieMaddie MayMaddyMaddyMadison AMadison RMagentaMaori ThorMareeMartieMattMauiMaxMaxMedusaMeganMelissaMelleMercedesMercedesMiaMiaMiaMia MadisonMichelleMikaMikaMikki WildMilaMinxMiss MermaidMiss RibenaMissy FlareMistyMiz DezireMJMollyMollyMonetMorganMr. HunterNatashaNavyNeroNikitaNikkiOceanOlivia-RoseOxyOxyPaigeParisPeachesPearlPetraPetra FirePhoeinxxPhoenixPhoenixPhoenixPhoenixPhoenixPinkyPipPorshaPrincessQuickieQuinnRachelRachel LewisRamekaRavenRayneRedRed RobynRemyRenaeRenae LeighRhylee RoserikoRiverRockyRomanRoseRoxi FoxxxRoxyRoxyRubyRubyRubyRubyRubyRubyRuby QRuby WRyderSabbySamSamSamSamanthaSammySammySapphireSapphireSashaSashaSaskiaSativaSavannahSavannah HScarlettScarlett DiabloScarletteScorpionSeaneeSeb TownsendSerenaSereneShadrachShaneShawnShayeSheaShelbyShondalahSiennaSiennaSiennaSiennaSierraSkylaSkylarSkylarSkylar LeighSkylar LeighSohelSportieStaggerStarStarStarrStellaStellaStella SnowStormStormSugarSummerSummerSuttonSyrenTaeTalsTanaTashTatianaTaylorTaylor MTCTeal SteelTessaTest Stage NameTexas StarThe DragonThe MilkmanThorneTiaTiaTiffanyTiffanyTiffanyTiffanyTiffanyTinaTJTJTommy VegasToniTreyTrinity SharpTroyTroyTroy STylerTyler DTyler DiamondVanessaVanessa LVanityVenusVenusVeraVersaillesVictorVictoriaVictoriaVimmieVioletaVixen TempleWild WahineWillowWillow NoirWinterWyllowXavierYasminZac AdonisZakZakZakZaraZaraZaynZeldaZoeZoey Male Strippers AgustinaAJ SteelAleshiaAlexAlexAlexaAlexaAlexaAlexaAlexandriaAlexandriaAlexandria SkysAlexisAliceAlladinAlladinAllyAlly ProcrasturbateAmberAmberAmberAmber HAmber HAngelAngelAngelAngeliqueAngel RyderAnitaAnitaAnnaAnnieAnnieAprilAriaAriaArielArmaniAshAshAshleighAshleighAshtonAsh WAstroAthenaAuroraAvaAvaAva RayBaileyBambiBayleyBellaBellaBellaBelleBelle JadeBenBeverley HillsBexBexxyBiancaBianca BrooklynBig BennyBlair BlazeBlakeBlazeBlaze AkiraBombay BabiBoozBraeBrandyBrodieBrookeBrooklynBubblesCaitlynCaliCallie-AnneCamsCandiceCandiceCandyCarmenCarmenCarmenCarterCasCaseyCassieCatCatCeejayCeleneChanceChanelCharlesCharlieCharlieCharlieCharlieCharlotteCharlotteCharlotteChaseChase (Wild Child)ChelseaChelseaChelseyChelseyCherryCherryCherryCherryCherryCherryChicagoChloeChloe TChrisCiaoCiteeCJClaraClydeClydeCocoCourtneyCourtneyCourtney LisaCrystalCrystalCrystalCrystal GoldDahliaDahliaDahliaDaisyDaisyDallasDanielleDanoDanoDarcyDarcyJDashaDashaDebbyDeijaDemeterDemiDemi LaneDieselDionDominiqueDozerDr TreyDylan DashDylan DelacquaEastwoodEdenElektraElleElleElleEllieEllieEllie KatEmberEmeraldEmiliaErynErynEscort 1Escort 2Escort 3Escort 6EthanFawnFifiFlame AngelFletcherFleurForteFoxxyFoxyFrancescaFreyaG.AG.AGeorgiaGiaGizelleGraceGraceGracieGracieGracieGrannyGypsyHannahHansHarleyHarleyHarley BlackHarlowHarryHavanaHazaelHazeyHeatherHeavenHeavenHeavenHeidiHeidiHollyHollyHollyHoly SpiritHoneyHooker TestHymneIndiIndiIndicaIndyIsabelIsabel KnoxxIsabellaIsabellaIvyIvyIvyIvyIvy MoonIzzyJJacintaJadeJadeJadeJadeJade JeanJakobiJamesJanetJanineJasminJasminJasmineJasmineJasmine JaxJayJayJayJaydeJay WJazJazmineJazz AddisonJemmaJenniferJesseJessicaJessicaJessicaJimmyJoeJoeJohanJohnnyJonoJosieKandyKaramelKarnKatKateKatieKatieKatrinaKatyKaydaKaykayKeiraKellyKellyKelly AKelseyKendallKendall AKendal LeeKendraKenzieKeshianKimKimberleyKiraKirstyKita MeanKitty KKourtneyKristianKseniyaKyavarnieKymaniLaceyLaceyLacey LuxeLanceLaraLarahLarissaLauraLaura LushhLaurenLaylaLeeLeeLeonLeonLeoniLeroyLeviLexaLexiLexiLeylaLiamLibertyLilliLillyLisaLolaLolaLolaLolaLolly DollyLovely Lexie LustLucasLuciaLuciaLucilleLucyLucy ALucy DanielsLucy DiamondLucy TestLuluLuluLunaLyricMaddelyn HaizeMaddiMaddieMaddie MayMaddyMaddyMadison AMadison RMagentaMaori ThorMareeMartieMattMauiMaxMaxMedusaMeganMelissaMelleMercedesMercedesMiaMiaMiaMia MadisonMichelleMikaMikaMikki WildMilaMinxMiss MermaidMiss RibenaMissy FlareMistyMiz DezireMJMollyMollyMonetMorganMr. HunterNatashaNavyNeroNikitaNikkiOceanOlivia-RoseOxyOxyPaigeParisPeachesPearlPetraPetra FirePhoeinxxPhoenixPhoenixPhoenixPhoenixPhoenixPinkyPipPorshaPrincessQuickieQuinnRachelRachel LewisRamekaRavenRayneRedRed RobynRemyRenaeRenae LeighRhylee RoserikoRiverRockyRomanRoseRoxi FoxxxRoxyRoxyRubyRubyRubyRubyRubyRubyRuby QRuby WRyderSabbySamSamSamSamanthaSammySammySapphireSapphireSashaSashaSaskiaSativaSavannahSavannah HScarlettScarlett DiabloScarletteScorpionSeaneeSeb TownsendSerenaSereneShadrachShaneShawnShayeSheaShelbyShondalahSiennaSiennaSiennaSiennaSierraSkylaSkylarSkylarSkylar LeighSkylar LeighSohelSportieStaggerStarStarStarrStellaStellaStella SnowStormStormSugarSummerSummerSuttonSyrenTaeTalsTanaTashTatianaTaylorTaylor MTCTeal SteelTessaTest Stage NameTexas StarThe DragonThe MilkmanThorneTiaTiaTiffanyTiffanyTiffanyTiffanyTiffanyTinaTJTJTommy VegasToniTreyTrinity SharpTroyTroyTroy STylerTyler DTyler DiamondVanessaVanessa LVanityVenusVenusVeraVersaillesVictorVictoriaVictoriaVimmieVioletaVixen TempleWild WahineWillowWillow NoirWinterWyllowXavierYasminZac AdonisZakZakZakZaraZaraZaynZeldaZoeZoey Female Promo AleshiaAlexAmber HAmyAngeliqueAnitaAnnaAnnieAshAshleighAstroBayleyBenBexxybrodieBrookeBubblesCallie-AnneCeleneCharlotteCharlotteChelseaChrisCJCourtney LisaCrystalCrystinaDaisyDashaDemeterElleElleElleEmeraldErynEthanFletcherFoxxyFrancescaHollyHymneIsabel KnoxxIsabellaJade JeanJanetJanineJasminJasmineJasmin WJayJessicaJessicaJohanKatKateKatrinaKendraKenzieKeshianKimKimberleyKyavarnieLanceLarahLarissaLauraLaurenLeeLee Veronica WilliamsLexiLiam AlberyLucyLuluLyricMandyMaxMax TMeganMelissaMelleMiaMichelleModaling AdsN/ANatashaNikitaOxyParis MckenziePaxtonPearlPetraPinkyPipRachelRenaeRoxyRubyRubySamSammySavannahSeaneeSerenaSereneShadrach HargreavesShawnShayeShondalahSohelSteph ElizabethTalsTiaTinaToniTreyTroyTylerVeraVictoriaWild WahineZak Male Promo AleshiaAlexAmber HAmyAngeliqueAnitaAnnaAnnieAshAshleighAstroBayleyBenBexxybrodieBrookeBubblesCallie-AnneCeleneCharlotteCharlotteChelseaChrisCJCourtney LisaCrystalCrystinaDaisyDashaDemeterElleElleElleEmeraldErynEthanFletcherFoxxyFrancescaHollyHymneIsabel KnoxxIsabellaJade JeanJanetJanineJasminJasmineJasmin WJayJessicaJessicaJohanKatKateKatrinaKendraKenzieKeshianKimKimberleyKyavarnieLanceLarahLarissaLauraLaurenLeeLee Veronica WilliamsLexiLiam AlberyLucyLuluLyricMandyMaxMax TMeganMelissaMelleMiaMichelleModaling AdsN/ANatashaNikitaOxyParis MckenziePaxtonPearlPetraPinkyPipRachelRenaeRoxyRubyRubySamSammySavannahSeaneeSerenaSereneShadrach HargreavesShawnShayeShondalahSohelSteph ElizabethTalsTiaTinaToniTreyTroyTylerVeraVictoriaWild WahineZak Travel CostsPlease note: Travel charges do apply to any bookings outside a 15min radius from the city centre. Our locations are Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, Queenstown.We may need to include additional travel to get the selected talent to your booking. 3+ hours may require accommodation and overnight fee. Travel First 15 mins - Free 15 mins - $25.00 30 mins - $50.00 45 mins - $75.00 1 hour - $100.00 1 hour 15 mins - $125.00 1 hour 30 mins - $150.00 1 hour 45 mins - $175.00 2 hours - $200.00 2 hours 15 mins - $225.00 2 hours 30 mins - $250.00 2 hours 45 mins - $275.00 3 hours - $300.00 4 hours - $400.00 1 x Waiheke Island - $76.00 2 x Waiheke Island - $152.00 3 x Waiheke Island - $228.00 Other Special Code Promotion Code Type code into the box (Not case sensitive) Sales Person Website Kimberley Lexie Emma Shaun iOS App Android App Active Discounts Christmas Special Travel Extra Please enter in the travel requirementsTotal Cost Total Please note: Prices and talent are not finalised until reviewed by our Sales Reps, this is an indication only. Any additional booking information Payment DetailsAll orders require a deposit of $115.00 inc GST, to confirm your booking. By pressing submit you confirm you have not made the same booking with another agency. A deposit of $115 inc GST is required for every job unless arranged otherwise. Example: Full Nude Strip & Bodyslide is $250.00. This is GST Exclusive. $100 + GST ($115) is paid to us as a booking fee deposit, and $150 is paid to the dancer on arrival. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions * YesClick here to read our Terms & Conditions.No photos, video, cellphones, still cameras while our dancer is performing. I will be paying my deposit by Visa / Mastercard +2.5% surcharge Branch Deposit Internet BankingIf desired you may pay in full at the deposit stage, otherwise the balance is payable in cash on the night. Note: * denotes required information and if not completed will not submit, please check any fields in RED to complete and submit.